Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

The problem with 'bioidentical hormones' for menopause


An article on contributed to by Dr Currie:

The problem with 'bioidentical hormones' for menopause

"If you've been struggling with menopausal symptoms and looking into the options, you might well have come across private menopause clinics or compounding pharmacies offering 'bioidentical hormones'. But what exactly are they, and how do they differ from the HRT you'd get from your GP?"

See the full article at:

I thought all these private clinics had been sorted by extra legislation?

One of the things you do get from private BHRT clinics though are specialists in the field, short waiting lists and time during appointments to be really thorough, this is what you are also paying for.

The NHS specialist services aren't accessible to all and they are also restricted on what they can prescribe.

We do have to accept that the NHS free services are limited but great if you fit the one size fits all HRT.

Your right dangermouse.  If women can't get what they need from the NHS they will go elsewhere, for good or ill, unfortunately.

There's a message there.


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