Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sleep Mantra

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😂🤣 maybe you've got an invention in the making there herdwick.Dragons den?🤣😂

Chat away about anything you like on here squeaker,always ladies here to listen❤️

Thanks you jaypo from the bottom of my heart. :-*
A little kindness & understanding goes a long way
and feels in short supply from family & friends. Don't blame them.
If I hadn't experiences this I wouldn't understand too.

Nothing is out of bounds on here squeaker so chat away  :foryou:

Oh that's ok squeaker,the menopause can be lonely,I don't know what I'd have done without this site,we're all in the same boat one way or another,anxiety,depression,brain fog,insomnia but please ask away about anything,like herdwick says,nothing is out of bounds and there will always be someone to help xx


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