Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sleep Mantra

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I am reading a book on how to sleep better (at all  ;D) and I need to come up
with a sleep ' statement' which is positive which I can repeat when I think of
anxious stuff in bed. Any ideas? I feel so negative I can't get my fuzzy head around
positive statements.

........ good question!

I slow down my breathing - concentrating on slower and slower calms me.  If I can then shut off my brain I drift off.

A word: calm :

I always remember when I first joined this forum a kind lady said she used to do this
In your head,say 5 things you can feel,like, I feel my heart beating,i feel my hands on my chest, I feel my feet on the sheets,my head on the pillow,etc & repeat,it's simple but quite effective, I used to do it for anxiety,you can do it during the day too adding in 5 things you hear x

Like that one jaypo. Nice easy one so will definitely try when my brain wants to take over my sleep cycle. Did I just say sleep cycle??? What is that!!!

I managed to get on an NHS CBT course which was great whilst I was
doing it (weekly 1 to 1 sessions). She helped me understand the physiology of fear / the
anxiety vicious mental / hormone circle.  For about 3 months after I did feel much
calmer but without the weekly support / cheer leading from her  things began to slide.
My main 'take out' was APPLE for when I get negative thought.

Awareness of the negative thought
Pull back from it
Let go of it
Explore your physical surroundings (see/hear/feel etc)

But now a year later my brain gets so hyper and anxious I feel I spend my whole day trying to
rein it in. 

I did do Mindfullness /Pilates .Maybe you need to just keep at this stuff like it is a prescribed drug.

Hugs to you dear ladies. I don't have anyone to talk to here.


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