Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Supplements can cause problems

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I suffer with anaemia and take Metatone to help with this,I've used it for years on and off depending on how yucky Im feeling,I can normally tell now without a blood test if my iron levels have got too low and Metatone usually sorts me out after a few days,I am a vegetarian but I'm also terrible at eating a healthy diet so I know I'm probably lacking in vitamins,I take a Vit D spray in the winter only as it's not recommended to use it in the summer because we can get our vit D from sunlight

I've never had a problem with Metatone myself

Amaranth is an ingredient in Metatone which some people are allergic to.

If you read the patient notes, which should have come with the product, it clearly states this.

Always read the patient notes.

I had a friend who was vegetarian from the age of 15 until we were into our late 50s.  Then she craved meat  ;D ........ and after beginning adding chicken foods to her diet, felt way better!  Listen to your body?


--- Quote from: CLKD on May 23, 2019, 04:00:12 PM ---I had a friend who was vegetarian from the age of 15 until we were into our late 50s.  Then she craved meat  ;D ........ and after beginning adding chicken foods to her diet, felt way better!  Listen to your body?

--- End quote ---

I have been a vegetarian since 2011 and although I miss the taste of meat I won't eat it now,I was severely anaemic the whole time I was a meat eater but funnily since being a vegetarian it has never been as bad, the only time I get anaemic now is if I eat junk food instead of the healthy vege food I should be eating,I go through phases of not eating properly and this makes me ill but if I'm eating my usual healthy vege diet I'm fine, infactnthe last time I had bloods done my doctor reckoned my results were the best they have ever been and possibly better than his .....but he eats meat though

I went a bit bonkers on vitamins in early Peri after doing too much
Googling. Took Multi Vits/D/B12/ACE , Camls, a Meno Valerian one.  Had a random
blood test after I went to the GP anxious convinced I had X,Y,Z (I hadn't)
and my liver enzymes were up. Was told to come off all vitamins.
Sent for a scan (fine) and retested in 6 weeks (fine). You never know what causes these
things. I know when I don't sleep well and are stressed my blood sugar goes up.

I think a good diet is all most people need in most cases.


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