Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Supplements can cause problems

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For many years I have dipped in and out of the world of supplements... vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc etc.  I am fairly knowledgeable regarding nutrition, and I do feel that some people need various top ups from time to time.   I am a very healthy eater but I have a dodgy immune system (prefer not to elaborate on that), so I do resort to supplementation at times.  In the winter I always take vitamin D sublingual spray, and I find that I also need B12 as have malabsorption problems.   

However, I do believe wholeheartedly, that we can do harm with supplements if they are not required.

I recently bought myself some Metatone tonic.  I usually buy very good quality (Solgar) supplements but I saw this in Waitose and I remember years ago, my mother used to use this if she was feeling run down.   I thought I would give it a try.    Interestingly, after only one day,  it gave me an awful feeling of being wired.   I also noticed that my eyes looked odd.. took on a slightly yellow tinge and I looked completely drained....dry mouth too.    I don't usually suffer with anxiety at all, and so it was noticeable.   

Of course when you Google anything like this, you will invariably only see positive reviews.   I felt totally wiped out and had to go to bed early.. really unusual for me.   It was as if I had a shot of adrenaline that led to a crash afterwards.   

I was wondering if anyone else had had this with Metatone.  I notice that the main ingredient in it, is Thiamine (B1). 

Random post but was interested. 

Often it is not what is in it but the quantity.

Was the dose above recommended levels.  This can be a problem especially with B vitamins.

Also is there anything else in it that you could be allergic to.

Hi there

Don't worry, as I said, I am pretty knowledgeable and sensible with supplements.  Yes, totally aware of safe levels.    I know that too much  of the V vitamins (or complex) can cause heightened energy, and that's really why most people take it.   

It is though the first time I had taken 'Metatone' and so I had wondered whether any other ladies had take this product and if they'd had a similar response. 

I've not had Metatone but I tried green tea and my god I thought I was going to faint and throw up.  A few months later I took a green tea pill and had  exactly the same symptoms

Have you talked to a Pharmacist?  Is there a web-site for people with similar symptoms?

My Gran swore by a tonic called Wincanis but can't buy it now.  A small glass every day at 11.00 a.m., I still have the glass she served it in.

What's in it exactly?


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