Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Black Cohosh

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--- Quote from: CLKD on May 19, 2019, 02:24:39 PM ---However, GPs don't know enough about menopause or herbal remedies ;-)  .......... I believe that it shouldn't be taken long term and you may find that once your hormones start playing up it may overtake any initial benefits.  However, if it's 'that' dangerous I am sure that Companies wouldn't market it, is it H&B?

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That's pretty much what I've read,it's says not for long term use,they recommend 6 months or 1year maximum,I bought it in Boots


--- Quote from: Shadyglade on May 19, 2019, 03:50:46 PM ---I did take it for short periods and found it very useful. Not a long term sort of thing though. Better used when really needed.

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Hi thanks for the info,I think I will give it a try,I didn't realise you could just take it as and when needed,I thought it was a one day thing,I bought one box so think I might give it the 30 days and see what happens,I'm also considering St Johns Wort to see if that will stabilise my mood

Don't try both at once - you won't know what is working  ;)


--- Quote from: Nannyneet on May 19, 2019, 05:23:44 PM ---
--- Quote from: Shadyglade on May 19, 2019, 03:50:46 PM ---I did take it for short periods and found it very useful. Not a long term sort of thing though. Better used when really needed.

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Hi thanks for the info,I think I will give it a try,I didn't realise you could just take it as and when needed,I thought it was a one day thing,I bought one box so think I might give it the 30 days and see what happens,I'm also considering St Johns Wort to see if that will stabilise my mood

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It's not recommended for more than six months but I certainly don't take it for more than two months at a go. By then you should know if it is helping anyway.

I took when first going through peri-menopause and I thought it as working because my flushes stopped after a while, but in fact it was my own hormones coming and going. Once I was deep into peri-menopause ie almost there no amount of cohosh or phytooestrogen cake would do anything so they sat on the shelf for a couple of years until i chucked them. I wouldn't recommend them actually. Far better to take hRT - especially the body-identical estradiol - then some alien concentrated herbal stuff that can possibly damage your liver, I would say!

No it's definitely not for using as and when - it's not like a pharmacuetical drug to treat an ailment or pep you up - it contains phyto-oestrogens which theoretically will bind to oestrogen receptors and do the same job. The result would not be instant - if there is to be a result. However evidence is mixed and how phyto-oestrogens behave in the body seems to be complex from what I've read....if you're going to use phyto-oestrogens long term then I would try something else that doesn't have this toxicity question mark over it.

Hurdity x


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