Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Black Cohosh

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Thanks for the info,I don't want to take HRT and my GP didn't really recommend it so thats why I'm trying alternatives


--- Quote from: CLKD on May 19, 2019, 06:09:15 PM ---Don't try both at once - you won't know what is working  ;)

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😄 don't worry I was going to try this for a month,then if it doesn't make any difference I will try the St. John's wort,interestingly I found a supplement yesterday that contained Black Cohosh and St Johns Wort so at least I know they are safe to be taken at the same time


--- Quote from: Shadyglade on May 19, 2019, 06:43:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: Nannyneet on May 19, 2019, 05:23:44 PM ---
--- Quote from: Shadyglade on May 19, 2019, 03:50:46 PM ---I did take it for short periods and found it very useful. Not a long term sort of thing though. Better used when really needed.

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Hi thanks for the info,I think I will give it a try,I didn't realise you could just take it as and when needed,I thought it was a one day thing,I bought one box so think I might give it the 30 days and see what happens,I'm also considering St Johns Wort to see if that will stabilise my mood

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It's not recommended for more than six months but I certainly don't take it for more than two months at a go. By then you should know if it is helping anyway.

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I'm just going to take it for the month the packet will last, interestingly I haven't had a hot flush for a couple of days but I'm putting that down to the placebo effect 😀which I personally am willing to call a success so long as I feel slightly more human 😄


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