Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Black Cohosh

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Hi I grabbed a box of Black Cohosh off the shelf today in desperation but now I've read the blurb I'm not sure if I should take it,it has some scarey side effects
Has anyone here used it and did they find it helped with anything

I was thinking of taking it at one time, but it can have bad effects on your liver, and i believe one woman died from taking it, but i expect she might have had liver problems anyway

That's what worried me,I suspect she probably had existing liver problems but how do I know if my liver is in tip top health,I've been on so many medications over the last 15 years ,there are loads of warnings on the box about not taking it if you have liver problems ,I did just read a post on here where someone's GP recommended it though so it can't be that bad

However, GPs don't know enough about menopause or herbal remedies ;-)  .......... I believe that it shouldn't be taken long term and you may find that once your hormones start playing up it may overtake any initial benefits.  However, if it's 'that' dangerous I am sure that Companies wouldn't market it, is it H&B?

I did take it for short periods and found it very useful. Not a long term sort of thing though. Better used when really needed.


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