Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Dormeasan, Avena Calm, A.Vogel & Reflexology

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Thanks Ladybt28

I'm so sorry to hear what you have been through, but I'm so pleased for you that you are now out the other end. What a long journey.

Not surprised you went cold turkey....the ADs do mask a lot of the meno symptoms don't they?

Did you find that every time you upped your dose of hrt that you felt worse? As I was of the understanding that you should feel better.

You are obviously a very strong, determined lady and an inspiration to us all to keep going. I take my hat off to you - bless you..... Thank you so much for sharing Ladybt28 xx

It was hard to tell, I felt so bad, when I upped my dose,there was not immediate change.  I set myself a goal, up the dose, wait 2 weeks, up again, wait 2 weeks.... as I said I did not react that quickly and I have put in other posts that the changes "crept up on me", they were almost imperceptable until one day I woke up and thought "hey I haven't had a panic attack, nor do I feel sick" on waking and then maybe I would get anxiety a bit during that day but the next day and the next it just got a bit better until they were/are nearly all gone except the depression, but it took a straight 5 months to get there.  I had to succumb to Setraline 4 weeks ago though because the depression was getting out of hand although I have never had that particular AD before and it appears to be actually working, but I have said before I think this is because the meno symptoms are now under control it can do the job an AD is supposed to instead of having to contend with all the other symptoms.

Thanks for the kind words, stubborn my husband calls it!! I had to keep going there really was no other option for me and I'm not going to let anyone take my hrt off me either.  If you come across any of my other posts my journey has lasted 40 years, turns out hormonal problems were underlying postnatal depression, PMT, premature births and a whole host of other stuff but no picked it up until I got to meno and then that too has been a pain but at least I know what it has all been about...better late than never huh :-\

Thanks for the update Ladybt28

I don't know how you kept going with all of that, especially as ADs make you feel worse for the first few weeks. Or do you not suffer with that? Is Setraline a good one, whereas you don't feel worse first. I have tried citalopram in the past and that is dreadful for the first 6 weeks, hence trying to cope without them at the moment. I think if I can sleep I will start to feel a bit more human.....

40 yrs is a very long postnatal wasn't picked up for ages very impressed with your perseverence.....especially trying to look after kids and work too.

I tried melatonin last night, 3mg but I did feel a little groggy this morning but I think it was because I felt very tired still too...I slept an hour longer on it though, so I'm hoping that the more I use it the longer the sleep will be. 

Where do you buy your melatonin from? I got mine from Biovea but it took a while to arrive.

I got MELATONIN 3mg Fast Dissolve (Strawberry Flavoured) 50 Vegetarian Tablets - is this what you use?

Thanks Ladybt28

Ladybt28: - and Biovia.  Obviously they come from America which is why they take a while.  No flavoured stuff for me  :) I don't like flavoured tablets, just bog standard that you swallow!


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