Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Treating Migraines with Ginger

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Hello Ladies.

I was looking at one of my science sites earlier and noticed a study about using ginger to treat migraine headaches. Researchers found that taking a quarter teaspoon of powdered ginger reduced migraine pain at least as well as the leading drug. I don't have migraines myself but when I saw the report I wondered if any ladies on the forum would be interested, if so a search on will tell you all you need to know.

Take care ladies.


We use a lot of grated ginger and garlic in cooking.  I used to make a mean ginger cake over which I poured custard.

I wonder who funded the study etc.? 

It makes sense as ginger has well known anti inflammatory properties.

As for who did the research as it is a food product I don't think it matters.  As it is freely available nobody is going to make significant profit from it.

Hello ladies.

Apparently a patient told a doctor that taking ginger had helped their migraines and the doctor began suggesting it to other patients.

Shadyglade - as you say no one was going to make a profit out of studying ginger, amazingly however a trial was organised and the findings published.  I think a quarter teaspoon of powered ginger was found to be as effective as the leading drug without the side effects. Worth a try I'd say!

Wishing you well.


I like the idea of ginger as a healer.  It's been used in recipes for centuries either powdered or grated.  Ginger is known to ease sea sickness etc..

Was it taken in water or ?


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