Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

HRT working, but with hair loss...

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Thank you. I saw a Male doctor, who said he didnt know enough about HRT. That's the 2nd to say that to me. I'll be seeing my usual female doctor next week when she's back from annual leave.

*Gmail_Tara* i have just read your post and interested because i am suffering hair loss too, i am on livial which also has a testosterone type of ingredient,Have you had any luck with changing your HRT and is your hair recovering,it is very distressing isnt it
I am going to see the Dr on the 20th, and hope to get some answers,the last one i saw tested me for thyroid which was lear, i have stopped taking the livial as from Sunday, i hope my and your hair grows back,
Please will you update so i can see how you got on, and what your Dr said about it etc


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