Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies



 :'(  Update on Menopace Pro Tan - my nails have never been worse and my hair is as dry as a dry bone BUT after 10 days' holiday in a warmer country, I am a beautiful colour  :vibe:  but then, even 2 days in sunny Scotland triggers my tan, so I think the VERY expensive supplements are pants!

 I wouldn't deter anyone from giving them a try, but if I was a tester, my honest report after 3 months would be as above.

Next question - any ideas about helping 2 weak nails strengthen and grow? The other 8 are fine but we're going to a wedding in 2 weeks and would love to have all 10 looking nice.
My hair is ok after a bucket of conditioner and I'm going to the hairdresser at the weekend so it will at least be neater  :tulips2:

           Poppi x

Get a good trim which will help.

Which nails are weak?  I have two where I have injured the beds so the nails grow wonky  ::)

Poppi - maybe try Some Biotin from H&B or their nails and hair formula. I use a think called Perfect Formula which is a gel coat (not one you use a lamp but like a thick pink nail varnish you paint on and take off  with nail varnish remover once a week. It is like a hardner but not as drying as some I have used and believe me as a nail biter from a child I've tried all there is!  My nails are really long now and strong whereas before I used to get fungal infections and they would grow all soft and wobbly fi they grew at all.  Its taken about 3 years to get them really good but they are fine now and really long.

You do have to keep at it though to see any improvement.  Bit like meno really - a flaming long haul  ???

Visit to the hairdresser yesterday, so happy with hair again and found some OPI treatment clear polish and will follow their weekly programme to see if that helps. I play the piano so have never had long nails, although it has been possible in holiday times when I have had beautiful long nails (until the blasted menopause hit). The 2 offending nails are my left ring finger nail and my thumb nail. My thumb had a fungal infection exactly a year ago, so I know what causes that problem but my ring finger split at my brother's wedding 25 years ago and I have no idea why. Anyway, in the great scheme of things it's nothing. Off to get some Biotin, thanks Ladybt  :thankyou:
                Poppi x


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