Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Alternative to feeling anxious? 

Rescue remedy
Soothing music
Gentle exercise

Tiny - do you keep a mood/food/symtpom diary to chart progress?  Some find it useful.  Also, when is the anxiety worse for you, it used to wake me in the early hours and I would be deeply afraid  :'(.  Deep breathing helped me sometimes.

Meditation for sure...the right magnesium and right amount (I won't say which is right because I've tried a few different ones and some don't work as well for me as others, even though they are supposed to be better...)

Look into L-Theanine as's an amino acid that can help with anxiety. It is found in tea leaves. It is supposed to be relaxing and can make you a bit sleepy. I didn't have too many problems with that. I found it helped to take the edge off my anxiety sometimes (But didn't do much for the panic attacks).

I drink tea several times a day  :-\ - bl with 2 sugars please  :thankyou:


--- Quote from: Birdy on March 27, 2019, 06:54:22 PM ---Magnesium citrate or stearate you should avoid.

--- End quote ---

thanks Birdy :-)

Hi Tiny,
I have struggled with anxiety for years and have really found meditation helpful. When it was first suggested, I dismissed it, but after being particularly desperate one time, I thought I'd give it a try. My sister is runs courses on anxiety and recommended it.There are lots on YouTube, if you search guided meditation, 10-15 mins a day. You need to give it 6 weeks to really see if it's helping and do it everyday.
It can be difficult to get into, initially, as it's hard to focus, but comes with practice.
It can be a bit of a chore sometimes, but I make the time as know it is helpful for me.
Good luck!xx


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