Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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I take A.Vogel Avena Calm - it does take the edge off & I take dormeasan at bed time. All natural.  I have just started reflexology and am considering hypnotherapy. Anxiety is the worst, but I know that once I start to sleep then the anxiety should reduce. Perhaps this will be the same for you. I am trying melatonin tonight as that seems to work for a lot of people and is primarily used by people who work shifts or who are jet lagged.

I have been on citalopram in the past and it does make you feel worse before you start to feel better. Do you need citalopram for the meno anxiety? As others have said you perhaps need to work on your hrt doses which is really difficult to work out I know. How long have you been on hrt?

I didn't realise about the magnesium I will stop that as I am loose too, but thought it was just the meno rubbish. So thank you. 

Sending you big hugs and hoping you get the correct support from friends, family and doctors. Be assured that things will improve, so just hang in there. xx


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