Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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--- Quote from: Shadyglade on March 27, 2019, 11:44:41 AM ---That would not be an 'alternative' though. That would be a pharmaceutical product.

--- End quote ---

Any alternative to HRT is just that - an "alternative" whether in quotes or not!! This section is for any and all alternatives to HRT for menopausal symptoms including walking and lifestyle measures as well as prescribable pharmaceutical treatments, and also HRT if that is relevant!

Hurdity x

Hi Tiny

sorry to hear you are still suffering - you mentioned taking your mind off the HRT that you take and that Citalopram has stopped the hot flushes, but HRT didn't?

The thing is if you are on HRT and still getting flushes then it is this that really needs adjusting before taking anti-depressants (for anxiety) or even minerals like Magnesium (as long as you have a healthy balanced diet). The right HRT dose and type should stop your flushes. Once you are settled on that and you stilll have residual symptoms then maybe start thinking about other ways to help your anxiety ( like your puppy!!!). Otherwise you don't know what's what and the HRT is not doing any good if not helping your flushes?

Can we help you find the right one so that you feel better?

Hurdity x

If the AD has stopped the flushes then what's the problem?  Some ADs have been found to be beneficial for those with flushes and some don't like taking HRT.  It's a matter of choice.  Surely  ???


--- Quote from: Hurdity on April 13, 2019, 08:35:04 AM ---
--- Quote from: Shadyglade on March 27, 2019, 11:44:41 AM ---That would not be an 'alternative' though. That would be a pharmaceutical product.

--- End quote ---

Any alternative to HRT is just that - an "alternative" whether in quotes or not!! This section is for any and all alternatives to HRT for menopausal symptoms including walking and lifestyle measures as well as prescribable pharmaceutical treatments, and also HRT if that is relevant!

Hurdity x

--- End quote ---

Some women choose to avoid HRT and prefer to use more "Natural "methods to deal with menopausal symptoms

I wouldn't have thought pharmaceuticals qualified as 'Natural'.  Well that's my personal opinion anyway. If i'm allowed one, that is.

Also re-reading Tinys post it looks as if she is looking for a 'Natural' product.

Many pills are synsthesied from wild plants from across the World  :-\


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