Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Hi Birdy,
Yes, I do. I can highly recommend a book my sister recommended to me, it's called ' mindfulness- finding peace in a frantic world'. It is a book of a 6 week meditation course and comes with a CD with the guided meditations on, although they are also on youtube.
It is on Amazon and has good reviews, maybe have a look.
I still have trouble focusing sometimes, but it doesn't matter, it still helps me :)

Finding time is important to practice - my anxiety made me restless so settling was difficult  :-\.  When I did sit down I would drop off to sleep which as I don't dream in the day, was relaxing in it's own way and gave my brain a rest.

Thank you all not tried meditation and don't get the mindfulness part , think because I'm a shift worker my sleep is shocking but have been taken off nights now.bought myself a puppy to take my mind off the symptoms and the  hrt I take I thought this might help  butt not with anxiety or sleep now on citalopram 10mg for night sweats stopped magnesium citrate as upset tummy it really is a horrible time but I'm hoping things will ease soon.

Tiny, I will write to you properly tomorrow. But I wanted to reach out, because I've just started citalopram and stopped looking for a rescue dog / puppy, because I don't feel I could look after it properly right now. Can I send yours a cuddle ??
Hope you sleep well tonight, chat more tomorrow.

Thank you it's a difficult time for us all ,brain forgiveness due to lack of sleep really sucks :'(


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