Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Vit D

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 ;D ..... do you get every  :catscratch: :cat88: :cat48: in the district at the kitchen door  :D

Pilchards in tomato sauces from the tin either cold or warmed on hot toast with lots of pepper can be tasty too. 

I sat out in the  :sunny: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday last week  8)

They say everyone in England are Vit d deficient. On my menopause journey I was so exhausted and joint pain my dr ran some tests and my Vit d came back insufficient. To be good you need to be 125 but drs think anything over 50 is sufficient. My mum and my sister have all come up really low! I thought as I'm dark hair and skin that tan easily I would be ok but it's the opposite the darker you are the harder it is to get Vit d. I take a spray everyday winter and summer to top mine up. Anyone wanting more info go on Vit d council or fb page Vit d uk.

CLKD - that explains the lurking moggies.  I thought they were just after the birds  ;D

Although I saw the most evil one with a rat, so it has sort of been forgiven, and there are fewer woodpigeons to **** down my windows.


We haven't had a rat for years.  Pigeons. Yep.  Pretty collared doves. Yep.

NHS will test and prescribe 3 months VitD capsules if required. They would rather prescribe for specifics.  After that 1 buys the capsules if symptoms return. 

I've been outside again today hanging out laundry.  Hopefully I will be able to get into the garden this week.

It was only one - I thought it was a big mouse, and then I realised..... ::)

My GP sent the diagnosis as insufficient in a letter (actually, just deficient with no numbers - had to ring and ask and it wasn't quite as desperate as I thought) and the letter came with a list of suitable supplements.  It got one from Sainsbugs which did the trick, but there is some discussion as to whether you need K2 and magnesium with it. It is best eaten with a meal as it is fat soluble.


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