Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Vit D

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The wind suddenly dropped so I've been outside again.  Feeding the birds.  Chilly but hazy. 

Have had several days of sunshine and weather warm enough to not need a coat so could actually have some skin exposed! It's been heavenly....still can tell how much better it is for me than a supplement. Looks like we may have one more day of the lovely sunshine before the clouds set back in. And then grey skies for another week or more.  :'( I wish spring would officially get here!

Puts a bounce in your step, doesn't it  :bouncing:

It certainly does, DH and I sat in warm sunshine with a cuppa at 3.00 p.m..  Hopefully it will be nice tomorrow, I need to encourage him to put lotion on as he will be fishing: a mix of sun and wind  ::)


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