Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Vit D

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Gp will only test once a year and give you high dose to take once or twice a week. If you read up on Vit d it needs to be taken daily with k2 and magnesuim. I use the Betteryou sprays they also do test for £34. I to have chronic digestion problems and my mum has colitis its very linked to other conditions.

No-one is disputing how vitally important vitamin D is – but statements like “Most of the population need a  Vit D supplement”, “I think that getting the correct amount of Vit D from the sunshine we get in this country is difficult if not impossible”, “They say everyone in England are Vit d deficient”, and “It's not easy to get it in sufficient quantities from diet and sun” are very sweeping!

As I stated in my post the current guidelines ( unless they have changed and NHS is out of date – which it can be!) are that everyone should CONSIDER taking a supplement and I totally agree with that!

Whoever “they” are -  they must be wrong – how can everyone be vit D deficient in England?!  Where is the evidence? If you have digestive problems then this could be the reason for winter deficiency.

A recent article on BBS news website regarding a study last year can be found here: . This suggest that in the winter months  1 in 5 adults become deficient. Also how is deficiency defined? – I agree that there is a difference between being deficient and sub-optimal – but I would suggest sub-optimal levels could be treated with a combination of diet and an intermittent supplement eg once a week? Vitamin D is stored in the liver so it doesn't necessarily need to be taken daily (unless deficient).

It is recognised that certain high risks groups WILL  become deficient – insufficient obtained from diet by those with digestive conditions (Crohn's disease etc) and those who are taking PPI's, the elderly (over 80's maybe?) If I was in these categories I would definitely be taking a regular daily supplement.

“I think that getting the correct amount of Vit D from the sunshine we get in this country is difficult if not impossible” – the point about this is the difference between – “are we getting enough from sunshine?” and “is it possible to get enough from sunshine?”. The answer to the first may well be no at present for more people than necessary, but the answer to the second will depend on  - as I said before – our skin colour and behaviour/lifestyle and the latitude we live in. As I've said before we are biologically adapted to get sufficient vit D in spring and summer and for these stores to last through most of the winter months in conjunction with diet – we wouldn't be here otherwise. Of course if you use a lot of sunscreen then you won't make it (vit D) – but if you have a very fair skin which burns easily then you will make sufficient vit D at a lower intensity of sunlight so you can expose yourself to the sun way before it gets tso intense that you will burn. That's the point. It's not a question of skin cancer or vit D – you can expose your skin at the right time for your skin and cover up when it gets too hot. If you have a very dark skin and/or cover up for cultural reasons then you will almost certainly need a daily supplement - even in summer - in the UK.

As for the wrinkled prune look – speak for yourself Hummdinger – I'm neither wrinkly nor a prune and spend lots of time in the sun – and actually, personally I would rather be a bit wrinkly and prune-like and have a healthy tanned skin with naturally obtained vit D than take loads of supplements!

We should all consider what is right for us and as per the guidelines and those who feel they need/want to take a supplement, or tests have shown they are deficient – then of course  – but don't tell me I can't get most of what I need by other means (sunshine and diet)!!! The swig of cod liver oil I take now and again in late winter is just an added insurance really.....because it is such a important vitamin.

Apart from the high risk groups I am saying surely there is no need to become deficient (as it is currently defined) and it is a great opportunity to examine lifestyle and diet...?

Pilchards? I'll stick to sardines and smoked salmon :)

These are the vit D rich foods according to the BBC site:
•   oily fish
•   red meat
•   liver
•   egg yolks
•   fortified foods, such as most fat spreads and some breakfast cereals

Countrygirl - if you have a fair skin then get out in the sun earlier for a short time whenever you can, before it is high enough to burn and then apply sunscreen. Sounds like you are doing the right thing - and also if you feel better and more energetic in the summer you are probably making quite a bit of it then....eggs? (I have one for brekka every day!).

I'm interested in any studies about this....

Oops got a bit carried away there!

Hurdity x

I was raised in the early 1960s.  We never creamed up other than the odd slap of Nivea ........ we did have hats and I remember long hot Summers  ;D.  Funny, I can't remember what I did on Friday though  ::).  We spent hours on the beach or in the garden, playing.  Dad built a sand-pit, we had swings, roller skates ...... but no foreign holidays.

By mid-Feb my hands will be brown.  That's from walking or gardening.  Not only sunshine but we need to watch wind, as it is drying which can damage skin.  I tend to use after-sun lotion too, as it's cooling.

Not many of my friends require VitD.  That's 7 out of 8 [me being the 1 who required it].  Mum did for a while and I have asked the Home to encourage her to take her capsules as they rarely get into the garden.  Those who are desk bound, in care homes or in hospital for long-term care; children that don't get into the playground; those cultures that are covered from top to toe ......... should all be aware.  Certainly rickets was a problem a few years ago in those cultures that cover up ........ a condition that hadn't been seen since the 1950s  :o. 

My capsules are:

Colecalciferol 3,200IU with maize Oil, Gelatin, Glycerol, E141, E321 - if anyone knows what the latter might be  :-\

Nowt about needing to take any other vitamins though I am aware that some supplements need others to assist 'take up'.  1 daily for 12 months.  (Sept. 2017).  I took it for 6 weeks then felt better, then went away without the capsules  ::) and have n't required them since.  To hand if needs B. 

Vit D is the last thing I considered I could be deficient with. I walk outside at least an hour a day all year round and am out all the time in the summer. I also usually enjoy a week holiday in the sunshine in Nov/Dec.

I had never had my levels tested until I saw a new GP in January who ordered it and to my surprise, it came back at 45. Nit massively low but still so.

I've been supplementing for about a month and initially felt even worse but for the last week, I'm start to feel a bit more like myself. Thinking back, I do always feel worse in the winter, energy and mood wise but then doesn't every one!

Thankfully got dexa scan and bone density came back fine. It dies show though that for some reason it's possible to be low in it D despite plenty of sunshine in the summer and still out day in the winter as clearly I'm then all covered!


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