Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies



Hiya ladies. Searched DIM on here and learned that its plant based in a short thread about it

I googled it but I cant realy get my head around how this preparations  and others like it which are not eastrogen can increase  eastrogen levels. Does it stimulate the ovaries ( mine have been removed) or does it convert androgens to eastrogen. Or does it kick the receptors into action.

I'm on systemic HRT  and realy struggle with eastrogen absorption. I have  been wondering if there was any way I could help my body better absorb but I dont understand how this type of phyto treatments work.

I was never warned about what I eat although after treatment for breast disease was told 'no HRT for you'.  But some plants are oestrogen based but I don't know where they fit in  ::)

'excess oestrogen'  :-\ : even more confused  ::)

I've looked into it and got some. Dim seem to regulate oestrogen rather than increasing it. During perimenopause, symptoms can be due to the unbalance of oestrogen, ie. Flux of it followed by sudden drop rather than just the drop after the full on menopause, in which case DIM might help.

I ha e t taken it as ultimately, we don't know much about it. It is given to some women, especially in the States I believe after breast cancer where hormones have been a factor but that's a hump to thinking that it is safe for anyone.


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