Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CTB success

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AAAHHH - that's the juggling secret ......

Well done.  Do you get homework?

More practising then reporting back on how it went.
There was a lot about noticing upsetting emotions/thoughts as soon as they arise, and labelling them / filing them rather than ' running away ' with them so the adrenaline builds up etc.

Distraction so you are less likely to have the thoughts in the first place.

The stuff on the physical brain networks of ' anxiety' was good as it makes you realise it is just chemical processes kicking in. You are not your emotions etc.

The main things for me was having a sympathetic person ' on your side' to report back progress to/shed some tears when things didn't work out etc.

I can see how it will take commitment and practise.  She talks a lot bout having to retrain neural networks that have been established over years.   I think it is possible.  Some of it is trail and error and what works for you but having a mentor for it makes all the difference; like having a personal trainer for a marathon I guess.  You have to make some commitments to yourself on ' negative behaviours' e.g. Googlings stuff, too much screen time, checking for symptoms but she gave me things to do instead as soon as I felt the urge.

I can see why they recommend CBT in conjunction with Meds as if you never change your thinking patterns you are just covering up the ' bad circuits' your brain has got used to.

Will be interesting for me when my hormones do they crazy things they do every other month. Will any of this CTB stuff manage to calm down the panic, the midnight anxiety etc.  We shall see!

Such good news Roseneath. Well done for giving it a try

Does she suggest keeping a diary?

Keep us up to date with the juggling  ;)

Who can recommend a (private) CBT counsellor in the South London/Surrey areas?
There is no NHS provision where I live. There is an online course but I have already worked through some books by myself and I think I'd like to do what Roseneath has done x


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