Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CTB success

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I just wanted to report back that I have found the NHS Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) sessions extremely helpful for my anxiety and insomnia.

After years of being offered only ADs or HRT by my local GPs I found one who referred me to a local therapist as an NHS patient. I have one hour every two weeks and have had 6 of the 8 offered sessions. I went primarily to help my chronic health anxiety but we have also covered insomnia and my ongoing/lifelong problems with my mother. We have covered the biology/chemistry of anxiety, triggers & behaviour patterns, different short and long term coping strategies then moved to a personalised action plan involving some tools I was using already  with some I had never thought of before.

The sessions at the beginning were quite/very emotional but it was such a relief to talk to someone in a 'safe space' rather than a GP who has maybe 10 minutes and is thinking medically. I have never really been able to explain to my husband or friends what I am going through with it. I talk to someone who both understands and is optimistic they can help is such a relief.

It has taken six sessions but (everything crossed) I think it is starting to change they way I approach and manage my anxiety when it looms every 2-3 weeks. I feel I have ' go to' tools to manage it now and don't feel as isolated.

I am sure there will be plenty of dips ( I had a big one at Christmas) but I feel I am in a better place to manage them.

That's fantastic roseneath, I really hope this continues to help you 😊

Thanks :-*

(The idea of learning to juggle came out of a session. I needed to find something to occupy my mind when I was tempted to Google
symptoms or check for imaginary. I suggested juggling as a joke and the therapist challenged me to try and do 3 balls before the next session. If I hadn't have agreed I would probably have given up trying!. At least now I am a nut job who can juggle).

Haha,I'm impressed,well from one nut job to another,good on ya girl 😊
I can't understand why it took so long for you to get any kind of help,it's quite shocking

That's all really good news, Roseneath xx


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