Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Royal Jelly for Menopausal Symptoms, including Anxiety

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It can be used in the bath too ............ so one could run the water, get in with a glass of mead and relax?

Hello ladies.

I agree that any conflicts of interest should always be declared as part of any scientific study ( he who pays the piper calls the tune and all that ). It's also worth remembering that some studies can be designed to reach the desired conclusion. I saw a paper from an American breakfast cereal manufacturer concluding that children had better concentration and behavior in class after eating their product for breakfast that morning. However the very small print revealed that they were being compared to another group of children who hadn't had any breakfast at all! I wouldn't like to have been the classroom teacher on that day lol.

Wishing everyone well.



--- Quote from: Conolly on January 31, 2019, 05:20:22 PM ---Hello Saffy and Hurdity,

As Hurdity said on another thread 'In fact much research is funded by the medical/pharma companies otherwise it wouldn't get done so there is an inbuilt bias to the questions that are asked.' So I can't see any problem that the manufacturers are trying to gather evidence that their product has potential use for whatever they are interested in testing.

The important thing is to disclose their conflicts of interest and that's exactly what they've done, unlike some praised studies and doctor's websites whose author's haven't disclosed their sponsors (pharmaceutical companies).

Conolly X

--- End quote ---

Well, I did say I wouldn't dismiss it, just highlighting one of the possible biases that others may miss  ;). I am always reminded of a heated disagreement I had with an osteopath who recommended Glucosamine as it allegedly had good research to back up it's use for knee pain. The only piece of research showing a (significant) positive effect on knee pain used a particular formulation of Glucosamine manufactured by the company sponsoring the research  ;D.

DH often quotes the same Saffy  ::)

4 me that relaxing bath with Royal Jelly [there are other bubbles available, of which I have loads it having been C.mas/birthday etc.  8)], lots of steam and a good book really eases me into feeling relaxed.  When I was ill with depression I couldn't even sit still long enough to stay in a bath  :'( nor could I concentrate to read.  So my bath is my haven and I enjoy every bubble  :-*

Well it's one thing to fund a study being carried out by another (hopefully independent) institution like a university or research institute, quite another for employees to carry out their own (dubious) research on their own product - and then to promote the sale of it on the back of it - that's not even conflict of interest I would say - just blatant promotion!! ;D. Quite so Saffy.....

As CLKD quoted - the FDA in US have said that there is insufficient evidence to back-up the health benefit claims - let alone menopausal symptoms, and it may cause some adverse effects (as with many products....).

Maybe "safe to try it and see" but not great for women to be duped (exploited?) into spending lots of money on something on the basis of spurious claims. But hey - better than drugs! (I don't consider bio- = body-identical HRT to be a drug).

Hurdity x


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