Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Yoga for Hot Flushes

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Haha.  Conolly have you seen your namesake speaking about yoga?im sure if you put his name into YouTube and yoga you'd find it.hope what he says doesn't happen to you  ;D
I love yoga and wish I could find a class near me but never find convenient times 🙁

Hello jaypo,

I love him, wonderful  :clapping:
Conolly X

My face hurts from laughing at him ;D

Yep, he's brilliant, and Parkinson's won't take that away from him.

Conolly X

He was actually looking better on that last programme on Scotland he did,the time before I got such a shock,poor guy,seen him live a few times & don't think there will be anyone like him again 😊


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