Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Yoga for Hot Flushes

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Just want to say I've been making an effort to practice yoga more. I am getting slightly more flexible but finding that each time, it calms my body faster. This is a wonderful thing. I wish it would stop the adrenaline/cortisol surges but at least it calms me. I'm noticing less muscle spasms as well as I've started to do yoga more. I use less magnesium now but still messing with that as I feel I still might need more than I am taking now but less than I was prior.
I haven't been paying much attention to the hot flushes. I will try to see if they are better when this cold I'm fighting passes.

Well done BB. I haven't done Yoga in years. Don't know if I could manage it now.  ;D

Keep meaning to do my Tai chi. Got as far as putting the DVD in the machine.

It's been a long while since I've done yoga. But my body has been a mess. I am far from the most flexible person (I might be able to touch my toes in a couple of weeks!  ;D) but it has gotten worse, especially with the muscle loss. I have found I am having less aches and pains and for the first time in a very long time, my hips were balance last night. I hope it helps with my mood as well.

I think I'll be giving yoga a try too. I used to do 'power yoga' using a DVD so I'll blow the dust off it and give it a whirl. It does become easier the more you do it and I've always had to remind myself that the reason it's called yoga practice is because that's what you're doing - practising it. So the more you do it, the better you'll get at it. I'll remind myself of this again when I'm crying my way through a chaturanga push-up!  ;) ;D


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