Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Low progesterone? And what do I do/take for it.

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This is amazing, thank you so much!

Going to check it out now...

If I can get the cream irrespective of what the medical profession say what is up with me and what they are willing to give me, then I'll educate myself and go along with my own knowledge. I'm extremely stubborn like that.  ;)

Do you know how the dose compares to Norethisterone offhand?

Honestly I'm not sure if you can compare the 2. You only absorb a small about of the Norethisterone because it is taking internally. And it is also a synthetic progestin.

The bio-indentical progesterone is just like what your body makes and it's a cream. And what you get out of the dose depends on how your body absorbs it. My doctor said he couldn't tell me a dose to use (because I asked what I should be using) because it really is dependent on your body. I just needed to go with how my body felt. If I get too high, I'm moody...too low and I get anxiety problems again.

Also, the POP is supposed to (sort-of) prevent ovulation. The cream is just more to help your body work as it should so you will most likely ovulate still (at least sometimes...depending on if your body is still ovulating sometimes..I know mine is just every few months now it seems). It is often used to help pregnancy happen.

Hi again Focus

Please do not use progesterone cream for your bleeding problems. It will not have any effect as no OTC creams have enough progesterone in them to do anything much. There is no alternative treatment (as far as I know) that can help your bleeding - so please for the sake of your health continue with your investigations. I quite understand why you might not want a coil - but if you get on well with norethisterone, provided that you have no underlying problems - then it sounds like you could continue with this?

We are not supposed to promote commercial brands of stuff on here, so please don't think this is the answer to your medical problems. It's a great idea to educate yourself - that's what most of us are doing - so if you read the scienc about prog cream you would find out that it is not for bleeding/endometrial protection. Do please look at the links to the info on this website that I gace you - and here also is what it sayd about prog cream:

"PROGESTERONE CREAM "Natural" progesterone cream is available on private prescription in varying strengths. Studies have shown inconsistent results on effect on menopausal symptoms. Claims for a protective effect on bones have not been confirmed. Women who take systemic estrogen for menopausal symptoms must also take progestogen to protect the womb lining from being stimulated by the estrogen. Progesterone cream is not suitable for giving protection to the womb lining and should not be relied on for this purpose."

There is no comparison with norethisterone dose because the prog is infinitessimally small by comparison. If you want to use natural protesterone then your best bet is to get a properly regulated dose of a product available on NHS "Utrogestan" which can be used vaginally. It is listed here: Some doctors may well prescribe it for bleeding problems if you say you would prefer the body-identical progesterone rather than the synthetic norethisterone.

If you want to try a progesterone cream then go ahead - but to reiterate - it has barely any active ingredient in it though (as it is OTC) and so will not help your bleeding.

If you are getting sweats too then combined HRT sounds like the best way forward - so you could use a body identical oestrogen (estradiol) in the form of patch or gel - which is the most natural way to replace hormones in your body if you feel this is what you would like to do.

Hope this helps.

Hurdity x

I know there's been very little research but I can't agree that progesterone cream can't be helpful or has so little it will do anything. It has helped me tremendously and yes, I bleed less as well. It has also helped to reduce endometriosis issues (shown on a vaginal ultrasound) and pain.

I know there is a lack of studies but can't deny that it has helped me is ways that you are saying it can't.


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