Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno

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Still struggling with sleep and a good diet. I can feel the how both affect me. I miss being younger when I could eat what I wanted to.
I'm just feeling absolutely exhausted at the moment as I have been awful at sticking with a sleep routine for the last week or so. Working on getting back to that and eating right.

My anxiety is so much better now though. I worry about some things as they happen in the background but it does not stop me from doing things or seem to have the same affect on my moods. Do I dare say....I think there are actually times that I don't feel the anxiety or worry even. Shockingly right now, some things are going on that would usually leave me in tears curled up but I feel calm about it all. Maybe it just hasn't caught up with me? Or maybe I just don't care anymore? I really don't know...but I like that I don't feel broken/anxious/a total mess over it all.

Mood swings...well, that's another story.  ;) I have been feeling so much better mentally I thought I would see how I did if I didn't use the progesterone cream after my last cycle.....bad idea! Mentally fine (no anxiety or panic)...physically so much pain came back around when I should ovulate (didn't this month -yes I can tell). Mood swings so much worse as well....guess I'm one of the odd ones that do well with some progesterone. This peri has really made my endometriosis so much more aggressive. Hoping I can get my diet better soon as I've read that helps some women with the endo as well.

So need to get back on this. Hubby reminding me I felt better while eating better, etc after some symptoms started coming back has made me want to jump back to my original diet. We've been traveling more, eating awful and sleeping even less. I do wonder if that is bringing back some of the issues. So I'm working on gluten free again and cutting out dairy some (I really struggle with cheese but going lactose free last time was very helpful)

So today....back on my vitamin mix - magnesium, vit C, Vit D (thought since the sun was out more I could stop using it but I don't know), fish oil, B Complex (been months without!), garlic (keeps my chronic sinus infections away), hair, skin & nails formula and probiotic.

Diet - Cut out gluten as best as I can, cut out sugar, lactose-free dairy, more balance

Lifestyle- Get more sleep! Exercise more - must practice yoga daily. It helps my body aches so much. And get back to meditation.

Hoping this helps.

I do think diet has a huge impact,if stray from my diet for too long my gut suffers.Wheat is a big problem for me,not allergic to gluten but I am to wheat,it is getting easier but boy do I miss bread,the wf stuff is so stodgy with no substance to it.Like the gastro specialist said to me,we are the only living thing that continues using milk after we're weaned,our bodies aren't constructed to take it but I can't give up cheese 🧀 already vegetarian so it's tough enough sometimes.
Good luck,hopefully you'll feel the benefits soon BB

Hello ladies.

I know very little about adrenal fatigue but I have plenty of experience of the standard version lol!

I have often wondered how many of our meno problems would be eased by better quantity and indeed quality of sleep. Surely Mother Nature didn't intend to torture us with sleep deprivation so perhaps our modern lifestyle is the underlying cause of our difficulties. The only other times in my life when I've felt as I do now is when  my children were very young and I was having sleepless nights. Infact my trusty meno book states that very tired people are often anxious and irritable so lack of good quality sleep may be more responsible than the meno.

I am also interested in the impact of diet and I now eat whole food, plant based. I'm doing this for the anti inflammatory benefits but I hope that it helps balance hormones as well. I may even try some early nights to see if that makes a difference!

Wishing you well ladies.


I have been looking at low carbing. I tried a couple of days.  I have looked at the Harcombe diet which is proper food with avoiding mixing carbs and protein, and the Bullet Proof diet which is supposed to help with energy levels but includes things like Stevia which I am not keen on.

Both advocate low sugar.  Both seemed like too much hard work  :D

I am going to go back to low GI as I think that was good and easier to keep to, and plenty fish and good oil food and fewer crisps  I originally looked at Diabetes UK and Arthritis UK websites for the oils, to help here.

I have not had much trouble with sleep since HRT, just the occasional night (I was pinging awake until the birds sang for several nights on the trot, or just failing to get to the final point of dropping off before that).

I do have a lot of trouble with tense muscles and adrenaline though.  I am doing more walking and using everything I have ever learned about posture and relaxation over the years in dance/yoga/pilates classes.  The vitD and magnesium/joint supplements may be helping here or it may be wishful thinking  ::)  I will keep taking the vit D over the summer, but a lower dose.  One year I sat out every day from the beginning of April, then the weather turned dull and wet for ages and I started hurting again  :(


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