Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno

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--- Quote from: Letmein on February 07, 2019, 01:50:07 PM ---Is it because of the taste? Lack of choice? Needing to do more cooking?

Sleeping seperatly helps a lot. It's mainly about the anticipation of being woken up by him and therefore struggling to relax. I was worried he would take it badly as a rejection but he hasn't at all and loves to have the bed for himself! We are closer than we've been so no impa t on intimacy and affection.

--- End quote ---

I'm okay with taste, sometimes the textures are off so that's different and yes on the cooking because I can't convince the family to jump on board so.  We tend to eat a lot of bread and pasta as well. Just a big adjustment and I think it is harder this time because I know it needs to be more than a temporary change.

Right now I think hubby would feel very rejected about sleeping in other rooms but we should probably talk about least sometimes!

I will have to get a bed set up in the spare room I think.

I'm going backwards some days it seems. My sleep has been awful and with that comes more palpitations/heart pounding. It's definitely when my body feels any kind of stress. This can be just from watching an intense (well, seriously quite mild these days) part in a movie or such. Takes my body so long to calm down from that. Finding myself on edge more, not handling life moments as well. Need to get myself calmed because we are trying to make some major life changes too (happy stress though but still stress) and I need to be ready for that.

I did go to bed earlier last night though! So proud of bed before 10 and before everyone else! It still took a bit to fall asleep but faster than other nights.

Sleep, meditation...and eating right. The last one is the challenge. Starting some light weights too. I have so much muscle loss from my weight loss and it was evident how bad after the first session. Definitely taking it easy but I think it will help with the many body aches I have.

If we get any good spring days, my back door is in a sheltered spot and I can sit on the doorstep in my vest making vitamin D while I have a cuppa. If I am lucky, the blackbirds come and entertain me in their bath.  Only a very few short weeks to go  8) :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :gym:

How is everyone? After a massive low, I'm now on a huge high  :) I am now left with no doubt that poor sleep quality is my problem and my poor sleep quality is caused by my general level of anxiety. I had a wake up moment last week when I woke up after one dreadful night again and I thought that's it. No more rushing to the doctor, worrying about worrying about 3 erything and my new motto is going to become 'I don't care'.

Well so far, it is doing wonders! I don't care if my boss isn't happy with my work (I'm sure he is but I spend all my time convinced he isn't and looking for signs of it to worry about it), that my OH is upset with me (he might be at times,  ut I know he still loves me deeply), that my teenage son is not getting top grades (it's his life and he still has plet y of time to find the motivation to give his best) and that everything in life is frightening. As a matter of fact, I've even decided to do something for the first time in 30cyearsxthstconly last week was an sblolute no go. I've decided that it was time to stop letting it hold me bs k and after I do it a few times, I'll be fine with it.

Well amazingly, this week, I've slept better than I have done in over 2xueafs and yep, it's giving me an energy I forgot I'd ever had. So that's that! I can only hope that the mentality last but even if it doesn't, that's the pla e I'll have to find again because the sense of freedom from it all is amazing.

9ne thing I've heard said quite often by women who've got over the menopause is that: that they don't care what others think anymore and feel so much better afterwards, maybe I've just had a flash of what's to come  ;D

I have had a week of not caring.  It is quite nice in places.  Nothing has blown up. :)


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