Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno

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One question to the experts  :) my symptoms actually seem to be worse with what I feel are oestrogen surges. I am judging these on vaginal secretions, the signs I remember from ttc! It doesn't seem to make sense though as I thought oestrogen was supposed to make you feel good, not terrible?

Hi Birdy, yes have been taking it regularly for months, I use Floradix, just reading it's magnesium gluconate but also citrate, what are the differences? Just been informed by GP that I was low on vit d (not massively) , which came as a surprise as never been before (tested same time last year and was all fine) and I've ne er been more outdoors as I started walking outside everyday for at least 30 mns.

GP agreed to do cortisol blood test.


--- Quote from: Letmein on February 05, 2019, 07:07:28 AM ---One question to the experts  :) my symptoms actually seem to be worse with what I feel are oestrogen surges. I am judging these on vaginal secretions, the signs I remember from ttc! It doesn't seem to make sense though as I thought oestrogen was supposed to make you feel good, not terrible?

--- End quote ---

Not an expert but the oestrogen surges is my problem as well.
Too much oestrogen can make you feel anxious so not shocking since during Peri oestrogen levels can surge very high at times.

Some magnesiums are easier on digestion and more easily absorbed.

1/3rd body 40mms everyday? Surely that would mean the entire population of the UK would be deficient in that case? I  can't say I expose that much every day but I do swim outside (heated pool of course) once a week in addition to walking on average 1h 1/2 a day so would have thought I was getting much more than the average.

Sparke, I've suspected b12 deficiency for a year as I've all the typical symptoms associated with it. I was tested and results were deemed normal however, I read that this test was not reliable if the issue was absorption. I ended up injecting myself following the nhs regime anf felt  much better afterwards, but the symptoms come back and fatigue and poor sleep is still an issue.

I've now read that poor absorption of vit b12 and d can be a sign of celiac disease along with a number of the symptoms I suffer from (insomnia and hyper ess being one too) so am going to ask to be tested for that too.

I could be wrong but my gut feeling tells me that the way I feel is not just down to the menopause. The fact that being on hrt didn't help much at all is steering me in that direction but the menopause is such an obscur and individual phenomenon, who knows!

I didn't use to be Vit D deficient even in winter but the last few years it has gotten worse. Maybe something with getting older? I don't know. Getting 1/3rd of my body in the sun though....not happening when it's below freezing and windy. I do wish I had that chance though as I find I do better with sunshine than with supplementing with vit D. I do take some supplements but it's just not the same for me. They help some though.

Yes I agree, I feel the same. Hormones are playing their part with how I feel but something else is definitely going on. I know changing my diet helps (cutting out gluten and sugar) but it is very hard to eat that way when the family doesn't. Trying to come up with strategies to deal with that. But I really do feel better when I cut those out, focus on rest/relaxing and really just try the adrenal fatigue approach. I'm not very active and I am working on that but very slowly. I hurt myself just walking...I believe it's alignment/back issues causing it so I need to some light weight lifting right now. When all this started and the anxiety kicked off, I lost so much weight and I know a lot of that was muscle so I believe I need to remedy that to fix some of my new aches and pains. It's a fun balancing act between everything these days.

Oh a plus, I had a much better myself in bed before 10pm, did some guided meditation...was very relaxed and 80% asleep and hubby came in the room and snapped me out of it, not on purpose but even with headphones I was aware he came in and of course, him climbing into bed stirred me....  why I don't go to bed before the family.  But luckily, I was so relaxed it didn't take much for me to fall into a decent sleep.


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