Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno

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Absolutely. There is evidence that poor gut microbes have a role to play in depression and weight gain. We ignore them at our peril.

Since my anxiety was terrible at Christmas I have porridge almost every day for breakfast which I can almost feel doing my mood/stomach good vs toast/croissants etc.  Ditto green/chamomile tea vs caffeinated.   (Caffeine stay in your blood for 6-10 hours ; longer than alcohol).
Chocolate seems to hype up my system too nowadays.

People I know with diabetes are told to eat porridge now as a beneficial food stuff. Maybe we are the first generation of guinea pigs who have had processed foods/wine/treats etc for most of our adult lives. All those additives talking their toll!

Trouble is I do crave sweet treats when I feel a bit down...

Yes I think all that processed food is causing more problems than we realize. I know they try to make it healthy but I do believe there is a reason we are seeing an increase in gut issues as well as anxiety/depression.
I still think that loaf of homemade bread is better than store bought, even if both are white flour.

Still trying to transition over to gluten free again. I know I need to, it's just so hard especially with the family thinking it's crazy to do so. Preparing different meals is a pain.

Hi ladies

I've already posted a couple of times with my back story and some tips that have helped me so far (if you search my name I think you will find them if you are interested, both posts are v long sorry) and one of the other lovely ladies said all my symptoms were peri. I won't bore you with my details here.

I'm reassured again by your posts thank you. The heat but no flush, tinnitus!!!! and buzzy feet in particular I had no idea were 'change' related, I only suspected. It goes without saying that my doctors definitely didn't recognise any of my multitude of symptoms ;) and still won't concede that I'm peri. Thank god for Dr Newson!

I have no stress or anxiety just weird rushes, which of course are adrenal related. One of the other ladies had something similar and I had a bit of a theory (not sure about the accuracy of course) about it being our bodies desperately trying to get the oestrogen from the adrenalin glands and causing over stimulation.

I'm wondering if Hurdity may know if this is feasible?

Best wishes xx

Symptoms really bad again :( the tinnitus is unbearable, pins and needles in hands and arms, and waking up feeling I ve spent the night in a washing machine. I feel like I'm buzzing all around and it's horrible. It is also very depressing as there are no obvious reasons for it. I have no stress at all, perfect sleeping routine, bath, reading then meditation. I could feel my legs being restless whilst doing it though. I feel asleep OK at 9am as I always do but then wake up like this at 6am, feeling like I had no sleep at all.

Worse is I've just started Ashwagandha and licorice roots! It really does feel like I'm being floded with Cortisol but I really don't know what else I can do except accept these really crap days and pray that it will get better soon.


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