Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno

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Oh I saw the cauliflower base pizza today & didn't take it as it didn't sound too nice,maybe give it a go though.Have you tried the Genius brand? I absolutely love their pitta bread much MUCH nicer than normal pitta but yes,it costs a fortune,I'm sure it shouldn't but yet again,companies cashing in on folks misery ☹️
My daughter has that texture issue,since she was small,you don't hear of it much,i'll have to tell her she's not alone 😊

I really was quite surprised that I enjoyed the cauliflower crusts. But yes, I recommend.

Yes you can let your daughter know she's not alone!  ;D It really is odd with textures. I actually really like the flavor that mushrooms add to dishes but I cannot eat the mushrooms! They are fine in the dish, just not my mouth. Same with clams, shrimp...crab and most fish. It's very much a texture issue. I've started not liking the texture in hamburgers now as well...that one is newer. It's not the beef, just the form it is in.

My goal is to one day try to make gluten free homemade egg noodles. I enjoy making them every now and then. If that works, that would be great!

Can't believe it BB she's the same with mushrooms 😄 she makes lots of soup but then blitz's it to within an inch of its soup life.
I'd love to make pasta,not sure if I have the patience,I'm away to try and make wf doughnuts and bread though

I just had the mushrooms over to hubby...he loves them but can't understand how I like the flavor but can't actually eat them!  ;D My children haven't seemed to have the texture least, not that I have noticed.

Hi BlueButterfly. I have just read your post with interest as I can really related to many of the symptoms you describe, it had me for the last 2 years/Peri Meno down to a tee;  feeling hot but no sweats/flushes, face goes red easily (esp after any alcohol), veins big in hands,   feeling wide awake late at night, waking every 2-3 hours but being exhausted at 2-3pm.  Tingling in feet. I feel mentally better when my body is colder.   I too feel much better if I eat healthily; no gluten (bread/pastry/pizza very bad), no alcohol at all as only one glass can give me a bad nights sleep, I only have one cup of tea in the morning then switch to green, have just started Camomile for post 4pm times and feel much calmer for it. I also try and have dinner late as eating late (after 6pm) can mean I am not as rested by 11:00pm.   I have had many basic blood tests over the years so blood sugar/iron/minerals etc seem OK. I do take BP tabs for high blood pressure.   Wish I knew what was at play here; gut slow down/gut bacteria/endocrine system.  Good to know if seems to be an age related thing.


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