Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno

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--- Quote from: Birdy on January 30, 2019, 09:58:05 PM ---Holy Basil, liquorice root, ashwagandha, no sugar, nomstimulants, low carb, early nights, lots of magnesium, b vitamins and valerian at night.

--- End quote ---

yes I need to get back on this...especially the no sugar, stimulants and low carb.  :sigh: I also need to go back to gluten free or very little gluten...I'm having digestion issues start to come back and heaviness in my stomach. So hard to give up the pasta and breads.... :'(

Thanks Birdy. I've ordered the ashwagandha and will give this a go. I've also significantly reduced my sugar intake, I say reduce because being conscious of it, I'm incredulous at the amount of sugar in just about everything, even instant vegetable soup!

This is all starting to make sense and I think I'm starting to put 2 and 2 together, ie. Why I always feel my absolute worse first thing in the morning. It seems that the higher the oestrogen levels, the worse I feel hence hrt not working for me, nor other menopausal supplements.

I'm doing everything else, good quality magnesium and b vita, no caffeine nor alcohol, meditation, but these efforts, only seem to help a tiny bit, certsinly not manage the overall issue so that every day life still feels an ongoing battle.

Something else I wanted to mention. I've read a link between high level of cortisol and corticosteroid use.

I have been using Beconase nasal spray for about 5 years now for severe dustmite allergies. It's been a god send as before had a blocked nose all the time. I'd read that it was safe for long use as not crossing the blood barrier. I'm now reading that it can have long term effects. I now ou need it about once a week, but I expect the levels are there and this might indeed contribute to the High cortisol.

It has been such a saviour, the prospect of stopping it feels be with dread :(


yes I need to get back on this...especially the no sugar, stimulants and low carb.  :sigh: I also need to go back to gluten free or very little gluten...I'm having digestion issues start to come back and heaviness in my stomach. So hard to give up the pasta and breads.... :'(
Hi BB I find the gluten free pasta ok,I've ALWAYS stayed away from normal pasta because of the bloated feeling it left me with,so this week I tentatively tried the wheat free and with the sauce I made poured over it,it was nice and no sore tummy after yay 😊

Yes, I haven't been too disappointed with the gluten free pasta...well, depends. Some are just okay. I'm a texture person and dealing with the different texture is harder than the different taste.
I have found some gluten free bread that's not too bad. Just need to get used to it. And I actually really like the cauliflower pizza crusts. It was better than the gluten free stuff.
I also did better on the lactose free milk.

The challenge- it really does cost so much more to eat like this. But I really do feel better.


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