Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno

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--- Quote from: BlueButterfly on January 17, 2019, 02:58:11 PM ---Shadyglade,

Have you gotten any diet/nutrition tips from your doctors regarding adrenal fatigue? I know you mentioned your son does deal with it and using diet and lifestyle changes. I'm just curious what a doctor that actually recognizes it as a problem would recommend. I've considered going to an alternative doctor here but I just don't have the funds.  :( So I just read everything I can on it and do my best.
Really the reason I wanted to start seems there are quite a few of us that might be dealing with this and there is so much information to take in out there, it can be hard to keep it all straight.

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Hi BB,
From what I can remember the basic advice is. No alcohol, caffeine or sugar. Plenty of fruit and veg. Exercise but only gently until you feel better. So walking, swimming etc but no high impact or weights.

I will ask him later to see if there is anything else.

PS. He did a test at the surgery, to see what his cortisol levels were. Has your GP done this?

That was a really interesting read, thank you.

it's funny, what they list as side effects from the progesterone were things I had BEFORE starting the progesterone (but I also know that estrogen can cause similar things as well).
Seems the biggest take away is the excess/high progesterone issues. And yes, I think that's a mess. Probably best to KNOW or have a pretty good idea that you are lacking in progesterone before trying it as well. Something that is good for me to be aware of...being on progesterone cream at the moment. I do not expect to use it for years and years...but definitely something my body needs right now. I also use a very low most 20mg. More than that my body doesn't like it. I also apply on the places they mentioned...the lower abdomen and such...which works really well for me. After losing all that weight, I don't have near as much fat as I used to. Much more weight loss and I'll be looking a bit too skinny again! (normal for me back in the day).

I'm really glad to have been trying to fix adrenal issues before starting the progesterone cream. The timing was probably quite wonderful. Still working on it and I'm hoping that I can eventually not use the progesterone cream or any other form of hormones and still feel okay. I know this will take a lot of lifestyle and diet changes and TIME. Right now I'm grateful for the progesterone cream because it is keeping me sane. The endometriosis and reversal of some growths is enough to tell me that I need the progesterone at this point in my life. It's the most wonderful thing in the world to not be curled up on the couch during ovulation (couple days before, couple days after-almost a whole week!) with intense pain that hurt worse from the simple vibrations of my feet hitting the ground while walking. We aren't talking ovary pain...full on lower abdomen, everywhere cramping and digestive issues (imagine like your worst constipation pain but not constipated, multiply it and realize that even prescription pain meds barely touched it)....then eventually a couple days of a break only to be followed by the cramps/pain/bleeding and clots of my horrific periods. Feel like I have a life back that I never got to experience without the pill.

I think it's definitely how it needs to be used conservatively and I think only while trying to fix any other issues going on so it's more temporary.

Some good info to keep in mind while I continue to figure out my body.


--- Quote from: Shadyglade on January 17, 2019, 05:19:31 PM ---
--- Quote from: BlueButterfly on January 17, 2019, 02:58:11 PM ---Shadyglade,

Have you gotten any diet/nutrition tips from your doctors regarding adrenal fatigue? I know you mentioned your son does deal with it and using diet and lifestyle changes. I'm just curious what a doctor that actually recognizes it as a problem would recommend. I've considered going to an alternative doctor here but I just don't have the funds.  :( So I just read everything I can on it and do my best.
Really the reason I wanted to start seems there are quite a few of us that might be dealing with this and there is so much information to take in out there, it can be hard to keep it all straight.

--- End quote ---

Hi BB,
From what I can remember the basic advice is. No alcohol, caffeine or sugar. Plenty of fruit and veg. Exercise but only gently until you feel better. So walking, swimming etc but no high impact or weights.

I will ask him later to see if there is anything else.

PS. He did a test at the surgery, to see what his cortisol levels were. Has your GP done this?

--- End quote ---

I actually have had some tests....everything was fine. It was a 24 hour total cortisol test. I'm not sure how well that gives the best overall picture. It did show my body was in the 'normal' range though for how much I should be producing over a 24 hour period. The doctor who tested, while wonderful, is not very knowledgeable in this area and did what he could but thought it might be good to seek someone out who understands adrenal fatigue more...which, unfortunately here, is just naturopathic doctors and functional medicine....things I just can't afford right now. I figure since most is diet/lifestyle changes that aren't TOO extreme or anything, it wouldn't really hurt to give it a shot.
 I find, for me, the problem follows the hard-to-get-up, afternoon crash, wide awake at night and middle of the night waking pattern. My body is struggling to follow a normal wake/sleep pattern. Blood sugar balance is getting much better and I am responding to stress so much better than I used to! Doesn't feel like my body is going to lose it when stress happens...even minor stress. I'm finding I want to exercise more....I am more active and it doesn't crash me for days anymore. Took a couple steps back because of the bad diet over the holidays but it was a minor fall back compared to how far I've come.

As a random question....anyone notice anything with body temperature? I used to ALWAYS have a slightly elevated temperature...I get a warm face constantly (warmed flushed face)...but I've noticed as I've been feeling better that I am COLD. My normal body temperature has gone down most days.

I definitely don't sweat... actually I've noticed I sweat much less than I used to years ago. But I get the warm, flushed face quite frequently these days, even when I'm freezing.  ???

So no weights Shady?
I was going to start some light weight lifting. Feel like I lost a lot of muscle in my rapid weight loss too and notice it most in my back/shoulders/core. Need to do something to help with the back issues.

My son said the advice also included good sleep habits and to avoid stress.  I know both of these are not always easy but basically you need to be gentle with yourself.

He also said the doctor felt the glands under his jaw bone, which were enlarged.  The test he had was a saliva test. 

Might be better to swim than do weights.


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