Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno

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Just wanted to start this so we can share what is helping those of us trying to tackle adrenal issues on top of the hormone issues, just a dedicated place to share it.

I'm still trying to figure it all out but diet is a HUGE thing for me. Over-doing it with the sweets over the holidays set my body back a bit. I've noticed more adrenaline surges and digestive issues again. My mood, while still better, has more anxiety popping up. My sleep is as bad as ever! So back to eating boring food  ;)

I know there are some of you WAY more knowledgeable than I am so please share your tips, articles, books, etc...anything that's helped you.

Hi BB, I only seem to get adrenaline surges just before a hot flush,not sure what that means exactly 😳 I also got tested recently for food allergies and it's crazy what food can do to you,I've a wheat allergy and an intolerance of nuts,so I've avoided those foods for the past few days and I can honestly say I feel better within myself.

Following you here!

One thing I read that could help is 5htp and Taurine. I tried both. 5hrt seemed to help with sleep at first but then started to experience side effects and actually feeling depressed and sleepy during the day even more than before, so stopped.

Taurine though might be helping more. I was feeling much better but then ran out so didn't take it for about a month. I've just started again and had two slightly better night. Nothing to scream victory over but Taurine only seem to have overall benefits anyway.

Our GP treated my son with a one off steroid drug. It is supposed to kick start the adrenal glands to normal production. He had to take the tablets at the surgery as they are a strong medication and there can be reactions.

It was successful for a while but he relapsed. GP said a second treatment not safe so went back to diet and lifestyle changes. So far good. Still sees the doc every couple of months but is much better.

I've never been tested for food allergies but I know cutting out gluten makes me feel better. Eating it doesn't make me feel bad like it used to but overall I do feel better without it...not enough that it is keeping me away from eating it though.  ;)

I think I will look into taurine...

I know I really enjoy salt right now and I need to drink so much more water than I used to but I feel so much better when I drink enough. My blood pressure bounces all over the place...never very high, just elevated but can definitely drop quite low.

I'm struggling with the waking up at 2-3am. Anyone with tips of sleeping through that time? Worst part is that it fully wakes me up and I can't sleep for a few hours. 


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