Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

This is ALTERNATIVES section NOT Hrt!!!

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Hello ladies,

Same here, but I don't have a crystal ball  so who knows if I will need it in the near future. In the meantime I'm learning everything I can about it.

I don't understand the point of bashing alternatives. In some countries it's called complementary medicine, it complements the gaps left by conventional medicine. And boy, there are many gaps!

Conolly X

I just don't want putting anything chemical in my body,I mean I have to at times but really try not to,no probs with alternative treatments at all,if it works,brilliant,as Agatha said though when hrt works for some that's fantastic too
My dear old mums cupboard was full of alternative meds & she swore by them.
I do think we all need extra vitamins & minerals though (in my humble opinion 😊)

I know when I joined I was really looking forward to the alternatives section...but it has not been very active and yes, things get shut down very quickly when something comes up. I would really like to approach things as natural as possible. Yes, I used a bio-identical natural progesterone cream that I can buy over the counter. But I can't use estrogen and I would like to do everything I can to still keep healthy bones, heart, etc. I do hope that this section gets more active.

I think we have to be a bit more proactive and determined. Ignore any disrespect and carry on regardless.  :peace: :valkyrie:

Um,  yes for most but one or two not so.


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