Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

This is ALTERNATIVES section NOT Hrt!!!

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Haha - that's hilarious - amazing how what you write can be read differently - the "we"  refers to us the members!! As in We (the members) don't keep notifying the Admins about threads being in the wrong place! If I had put in the word "them" it would have been clearer!

Hasty - If you delete your post - which has nothing to do with the subject - I'll edit mine for clarity.

Hurdity x


--- Quote from: Hasty on January 17, 2019, 08:03:48 PM ---
Oh Hurdity - I was wondering how long it would be before you came along to comment on this thread - despite having been asked by the OP not to do so. The reason I phrased my post as I did was because I felt it sounded better than asking why you persist in commenting on the Alternatives section other than to deride those who post.

--- End quote ---

This comment is  unnecessary, unture and extremely rude. I am very offended and I have reported it.

I rarely have time to read many of the threads but the title of this one stared out at me when I visited the board today and felt it prompted a response as it was trying to warn people off, so for new members especially it warranted a response clarifying that those who respond to calls for opinions about treatments and provide evidence suggesting they may not be effective - are not "bashing" others.

To repeat, this board is for anyone who wants to contribute to the discussion - and to reiterate what I said before - provided comments remain polite and respectful (they don't need to be gushing!) then there is always a place for rational counter argument - and this was recognised when the board was set up. Rational counter argument by me or anyone is not the same as derision and it is unreasonable to suggest that it is and to try to bully people off.

Hurdity x

Anyone made the switch from Evening Primrose to Starflower Oil yet? X

Years++ ago Evening Primrose was recommended for PMT.  I don't think that star flower oil existed in those days.  Is rubbed on or taken?

I grow evening primrose plants - they reach 4ft tall, lots of lovely pale yellow flowers that un-furl at dusk, so slowly that I can watch them  8).  They attract insects.  They also have lots of pods FILLED with seeds so when pulled out of the ground, the seeds scatter everywhere  ::).  I haven't successfully grown the low lying variety though.  Again, moths flock to them.

I think it's fine to say that an alternative, a drug or an HRT didn't work for you but it is unnecessary to try to put others off of trying it.

I certainly wouldn't go into the HRT threads and post some of the research and articles that say it's harmful or may not work for certain symptoms, as this could scare/put off those that use it.

Reading people's actual experiences though can give an idea of effectiveness. However, just because one thing hasn't worked for you it doesn't mean someone else will have the same reaction.

Alot of drugs and alternatives also have a level of placebo effect and we don't want to affect that by assuming things won't work. Paracetamol has a high placebo rate but for some they now don't find it works because they have decided it won't. The mind is a very powerful convincer!


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