Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

This is ALTERNATIVES section NOT Hrt!!!

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Thanks Droopeydrawers, not heard of that one before so will give in a try.

Tc, by estriol do you mean Ovestin, if so I use that everyday too.

There are several threads about atrophy on the Forum.  Sufferers do get on with 'yes' and another product - name escapes me  :-\ Got it, 'sylc' - as well as using localised HRT which plumps up the vaginal area; this helps to stop itchiness and urine infection-type symptoms.  Because this type of hormone replacement therapy is such a small amount it is unlikely to be problematic for anyone worrying about it affecting the breasts. I had treatment for breast disease and my GP never hesitated in prescribing Ovestin for regular use.


--- Quote from: sweettooth on January 10, 2019, 12:23:15 AM ---Can certain ladies please stop bashing others advice re Alternatives to Hrt, it is neither helpful or polite AND you do not know everything!!

This website forum is for all things menopause not just HRT

No wonder I don't post!!

--- End quote ---

Hi there sweettooth - not sure what has upset you? However as with all parts of the forum - this section is a mixture of questions asking for opinions, women giving advice, women offering their personal experiences and women giving information about scientific evidence for particular treatments. They're all valid! It is not "bashing" to offer a counter argument, or evidence - provided of course that this is done politely and with respect as with all posts on the forum! None of the responses I've seen have been impolite even when they disagree with what has been posted. It is an open forum....

As for the content - as you will see from the thread titles in this section - many of the subjects have been posted in the wrong place anyway - some are personal stories nothing to do with menopause, and many are about subjects that probably beling better in "Other Health Issues" - eg general posts about vitamins and supplements. However I think we are all a pretty tolerant lot and the admins are quite busy so we don't keep notifying them (admins) about threads being which should be moved. Also many of the posts overlap and talk about HRT as well as alternative treatments to HRT - so may well end up here!

Hope you are feeling well today :)

Hurdity x

Edited for clarification!

I wondered that   :-\


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