Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

This is ALTERNATIVES section NOT Hrt!!!

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I take Starflower oil rather than Evening Primrose oil.
Both oils are very rich sources of GLA, Gamma Linolenic Acid.
The only difference between the two is that starflower contains twice the amount of concentration. In fact, starflower is the highest natural plant based source of GLA.
Evening Primrose is native to the USA and Starflower is Borage which is a European plant. It has pretty blue star shaped flowers and is commonish in the Mediterranean.
I suffer with very sore, tender, lumpy hormonal breasts, with the inflammation radiating out to my armpits.
It was in fact my breast doctor who told me to take the Starflower oil. You must take it every day and after a few weeks my boobs definitely felt better.
Anyway, I have continued with it and it is the basis of my trusted cocktail of supplements (the others I am still experimenting with!).
There is lots research to show that GLA helps with joint problems, rheumatoid arthritis.
If you love Evening Primrose, stick with it but just thought you might like the Starflower thoughts xx

I'm resided to the fact I will need local oestrogen everyday for my atrophy and use the YES moisturisers too but sometimes this is still not enough, I'm on maximum dosage and I didn't get on with full HRT. Having a flare up at the moment and back on steroid cream for a couple of weeks. Ive tried coconut oil, that irritates. Anyone know of anything just for atrophy please that's alternative?

Thanks for the advice I had a look today and saw one which was evening primrose and Starflower.

I also saw the 7 seas perfect 7 women 50 plus but it's got DHA and I'm not sure if it's ok to take that with systemic HRt.

The Starflower interests me because I too have painful lumpy boobs  I had it when I was younger and scans showed my breasts were full of cysts. The doc told it would ease as I got older and indeed it did. But hey Presto since starting Hrt it's back 
Surgical meno is a nightmare. All these symptoms hit me at once. In less than 6 months I have gone from taking nothing but an antihistamine for hayfever to watching my medicine cabinet fill up.

I've made an appointment with optician before I  start on anything for my eyes as my mum has to get a check.

Deirdre I'm sorry your suffering at moment. I have been using estriol for 3 weeks. I tried to go down to twice after 2 weeks but the symptoms came back. It literally only seems to work for about 12 hours  so I'd be interested to know if anyone can answer your question and hope you find some advice.

Hi Deidre,  sorry I can't help with this one but I am sure someone will.

I would start a now thread as it may be missed on this one.

Have you tried 'search' on here. There may be an older thread.

Hi Deidre a very good alternative to hormone treatment is hyalofemme it's a long lasting non hormonal vaginal moisturiser with no parabens or perfumes.i personally found it very pleasant to use and had no issues with can buy on Amazon and im sure boots stock it too.its around a tenner but lasts a while depending on your needs I suppose.good luck I hope you get something that suits you soon.DD😘


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