Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

This is ALTERNATIVES section NOT Hrt!!!

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At the end of the day are we not all here to help and support one another?
If it wasn't for this site I would still think I was dying and going mad.
I tend just to bite my tongue at some comments,if hrt works for some that's brilliant,although sometimes it seems it's doing more harm than good for some ladies but you're right shadyglade, I then don't go storming in and tell them they should go the herbal route so I guess it should work both ways but aren't they just trying to help?or do yo mean they just shouldn't do it under this topic?
I take some advice and tend to ignore other advice I don't agree with
Let's all be friends 😊

Oh jaypo, don't get me wrong. I am not say that naysayers should not comment. It's an open forum. It's the lack of respect sometimes that stokes the fire.

I could post examples but that would not help either.

We are lucky to have this section at all. Once I looked back to its beginning and it had to be fought for. It was only when one member approached Dr. Currie directly, it was allowed. If you read the posts around that time many members argued against it.

Hiya. Just off shopping and wanting to buy evening primrose. I'm on hrt but as another member said it certainly isn't a adressing all the issues.
I'm 53 in surgical meno since August and have never taken supplements before that.
My skin is so dry it's driving me crazy. My hair is falling out and dry and even my eyes are dry. Oh Not!!
Just after some advice from those who know more than me, which wouldn't be hard I'm pretty clueless!!
Does it have to be a certain strength to be effective and also those supplements which have lots of things in one tablet for meno? What s the verdict on them.
I'm on b12 supplements from doc.
Thank you. And I'm very glad you were able to have this part of the forum.

Hi tc👋 My daughter swears by vitamin e and c oils in the morning and rosehip oil in the evening.
My eyes are really dry but just in the morning when I try to open them 👀 like sandpaper,I know you can buy artificial tears from pharmacy.

I can never put eye drops in properly so I use a spray. My optician says it's just as effective and was initially produced for people with parkinsons, whose hands are too shaky for drops.


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