Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sertraline experiences anyone?

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Yeah I know ladybt,I've heard it suits a lot of people,just not me.
My gp was just ticked at me as I stopped them & not stuck it out so basically said that that was all she could give me 🤬 must've been the mood she was in 😆

That's not good. You are not obliged to accept any treatment your doctor advises Unfortunately a lot of doctors don't like it.

Hi Roseneath. I am currently taking Sertraline for the 2nd time in 3 years. The first time I had no side effects apart from my libido going astray. I was on it for 6 months and came off it no problems. This time I have been on it for 2 months. A week after taking it I had a massive panic attack, I've never had one before, husband thought I was having a heart attack and called an ambulance! I am not sure if it was the sertraline but I think it had something to do with it. I stuck with it and now I do feel better, no side effects that I can see, no more panic or anxiety and my mood is much better. Maybe give it a try, start on a really low dose, and if it doesn't work at least you have tried it.

Thanks Knockmany, that's useful. My GP was adamant that the only main side effect he gets feedback on is the nausea. He also said some people are so anxious about starting them that he thinks that brings extra anxiety on (which I can relate to). So not to over think once I have decided to take them or not.  I would trade nausea for this awful 24/7 anxiety. I have my first visit to a proper Meno clinic on Friday (3 hours each way...) so will wait to see how that goes that probably just take the plunge.

I never had any nausea at all with it. The one thing I am noticing this time is that my hands are shaking ever so slightly. My dad has Parkinson's so this has totally freaked me out but Dr Google says that Anti depressants can cause tremors so I am putting it down to that and trying not to panic (the irony of anti depressants and their worrying side effects  ;D ;D)
Good luck with your appointment!


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