Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sertraline experiences anyone?

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I was at the GPs recently because I was worried about shakes. I saw two GPs in as many weeks! They both said Anxiety / Hormones.
They said there would be other very clear symptoms as well if it was anything Autoimmune. The problem is when you worry it makes it worse and it can take quite a long time for anxiety to subside. Don't Google!

Some people react badly to SSRIs, me included.  You might want to consider the older type of ADs, TRIs

ali 61:
I was put on Sertraline a few months ago. I started at 1/2 a tablet (so 25mg) as I always seem to struggle with side effects from most meds.
After about 1 week the nausea was horrendous, but then the anxiety hit. It got quite bad and I actually had a couple of panic attacks.
My GP asked me to persevere, and gave me a very low dose of Lorazepam, just in case of another panic attack. I only had to use it once.
After about Day 17 I suddenly turned the corner. I felt absolutely fine. In fact, I havent felt this good in years. No more anxiety or nausea. And the problems I originally went on it for have also been solved.
I just had to tweak the time of day I take it, as it did give me insomnia at first.
I have stayed at a low dose as I dont need to increase.
So, if at all possible, I would suggest you try and persevere with it for a few weeks. I'm so glad I did.
Best of luck. xx

Thanks ali61. Your post was really useful. It is so easy to give up if medication seems to make things worse, especially if you are feeling fragile already. After my trip to the NHS Meno clinic I think I will give Clonidine a try first. It an alpha agnoist (works via vein widening) rather than an SSRI She thought it would suit me as I also get high blood pressure (on tabs) which the Clonidine may also help with. I think it is more immediate in its effects and she thought it may also help the insomnia if I take it near bedtime.  Will post if I find it useful.

I quite like my sertraline  ;D it upsets my stomach a bit and the slight nausea deters me from eating - result,  I feel quite slim.  I'm sure I don't look any different but it has put the brakes on my emotional eating  :D  I am thinking about HRT but i'm not ready to take it yet (I have a fear of breast cancer which started during PND) but I do need something for my mood so for now I will stick a band aid on my mood symptoms and ponder some more. 


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