Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sertraline experiences anyone?

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 I number of GPs have advised that I should give Sertraline a go for my health anxiety (One said it is the 'only way you can beat this thing')  which has ramped up during Peri to a stage where I feel it is dominating my life  (Have tried a host of other non chemical routes; CBT/Mindfullness/Diet/Exercise etc) also some HRT (Ellestre Duet) which made it significantly worse.  I am reluctant due to 1) Side effects 2)Becoming dependent on it.  Any personal experiences would be useful. I appreciate we are all different and it is not an exact science. Unfettered views please!

Did not suit me at all. Had such a bad reaction after only a tablet the GP marked me record as not to be prescribed it again.

Hi Roseneath, I was on all types of Ad's until 3.5 years ago and had cbt and counselling.  To be honest none of those things did much for me over the years if anything.  I believe I have had hormonal issues since I started my periods at 13 but that's a story which comes with hindsight!  I had 3 days of problems giving them up but I went cold turkey - not to be recommended!  Side effects I suppose some but not major.  AD's just made me completely numb!  I am post meno and during my peri my anxiety and panic attacks and feeling of "doom" were off the scale. I gave up all my AD's after many, many years and now that my hrt is the right regime for me my anxiety (95% of the time) and panic have all gone and so have the being scared of my shadow, waking up feeling sick and the "doom".

Dr's love to give AD's to menopausal women, there are plenty of comments on here about it.  Remind us if you can, where you are in your menopause and are you on hrt? 

Hi there,was ok for 3 days,then the nausea was too much to bear
My dr more or less said it's the only one that would suit but I can't believe that tbh,anyway I just stopped taking them much to my drs disgust
Good luck roseneath

AD's are like any meds, Jaypo, some suit and some don't.  Hubby got given Prozac at one point - wow that was a big no no! so he is on citalopram and has been a while... no problems after the first week when he was nauseous and saw flowers growing up the the bedroom!! and no we don't have flowery wallpaper  ???  I have had at least 4 types in the past and some made me "dream" more than others and some made me feel sick when I started them.  Your GP's a bit rubbish if she only thinks there is one that would suit you, there are loads available.  First 2 weeks can be horrible and then it is a bit like hrt, conventional wisdom says AD's should kick in properly by the end of 4 weeks although if you want to change them you should leave a month in between one and another. Well that's what I found because you don't know whether you still have the old one in your body that doesn't suit or if its the "first 2 weeks" of the new one.


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