Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Walking Therapy

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I'm not talking about walks costing money  im talking about costly therapists.go on Google and find local walking groups as suggested and use your fitbit or your phone or a pedometer and it'll encourage you to be active and the company will do you more good than any therapy.DD😘

I paid for my therapy in the 1990s - £75.00 per hour-ish - and it was worth every penny until I got back on my feet.  Once I began to feel better I was walking 2/3 miles twice a day which really helped me get away from people.  Until then, my DH walked the  :scottie: when I wasn't able to leave the house.  Now I need to walk more but lack motivation  ::)


--- Quote --- Once I began to feel better I was walking 2/3 miles twice a day which really helped me get away from people. 
Why did you feel the need to get away from people did the walking not help build up your confidence by just saying good morning or hello so it would then become something to look forward to rather than the 4 walls? Would you not be able to do dog walking for maybe elderly neighbours now to help your motivation.i must admit I don't miss that side of losing my dog I hated the all weather walks and I admire people who brave the elements for their pets.
--- End quote ---

I have never lacked confidence - where did you get that idea from  :-\.  I was depressed. 

For 10 years I did that: looked after various pets for people, now we are retired we aren't here often enough to take on added responsibility.

I don't like people.  Much  :D

Any exercise is better than nowt.  Running up and down stairs counts  ;)

We've had a short brisk walk most days since 1 Jan., also round our garden in short bursts.  We have a tread mill .......... Note to Self ;-)


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