Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Walking Therapy

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Do they take cake with them Birdy - in case someone gets low blood sugar ?  ;)

I am trying to walk more daily.  Now that the  :sunny:

 :thankyou:  Emma

I'm on my way with  :cupcake: then Birdy  ;)


--- Quote from: Hummdinger on February 22, 2019, 08:11:52 PM ---I walk every single day for at least an hour and a half. I have a young active dog that needs out. Come rain or shine off I go every afternoon. I've bought the wet weather gear, the dog has a coat and there will be a not drink when I get home.
Some days I really don't want to but I know the dog needs it and by the time I've been walking for ten mins I'm glad I'm out there doing it.
My stamina has increased, my blood pressure is down along with my weight and I feel much healthier. And I have a happy healthy dog.
There is only so wet that you can get, and after that it really doesn't matter.

--- End quote ---
i definitely feel generally better for walking. Won't be doing a group walk this weekend due to a cold but it is definitely worth keeping it going.

Never wet weather, simply the wrong clothing  ;) (we have a dog breed thread )

I am walking a local long distance path with my husband.  We drive to the next bit, and do it in appx 6 mile loops every week.  It is taking a while but it is good marital therapy too  :)  He makes the sandwiches. When we reach the end we will start another one.  There are quite a few to go at.


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