Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Walking Therapy

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We are lucky to have plenty of different walks within a hour's road trip.  Locally: woods, foot paths through fields or round the village pathways.  Dunstable Down and Iveinghoe Beacon.  Tring Reservoirs.  Cotswolds within an hour 10 mins.  Mam Tor - 2 hours 10 mins. door to car park.  As well as plenty of canal paths but they tend to be a bit straight and one has to return the same way, I prefer a 'round' walk.

sparkle - I did the same after my spaniel was pts in 2002.  Borrowed the neighbour's puppy, it took 14 months to shed the weight that I had gained as my old lady slowed down  ::).  In the 1980s/90s I would be walking 4-5 miles most days, now I hardly do that in a week  :-\ Note to Self!  :kick:

It wasn't all in one go unless we were in the Lakes on holiday.  Nor in the Winter months, a quick whizz round the fields had to do unless it was dry.  I would be out of the door with  :scottie: by 8.30 a.m., again mid-afternoon for an hour and again in the evenings when we would pack up a picnic twice a week, drive somewhere like Ivinghoe Beacon and Set Off.  I was 30 years younger though  ;D

A Morning Walk May Be as Good as Medication for Lowering Blood Pressure

Exercise isn't just great for the heart, light exercise could also reverse the effects of sedentary behaviour on the brain, by improving blood flow. Regular exercise has been linked to a lower risk of dementia too.

Exercise and a better heart - the drop in blood pressure from regularly moving was greater in women than men. Older women tend to already be at higher risk for cardiovascular problems, due to being post-menopausal, so any improvements in cardiovascular function could be more dramatic for them.

The take-home message is simple: Get up and walk around whenever you can, especially if you're not very active already.

Full article at: Gizmodo


--- Quote from: Birdy on February 21, 2019, 06:17:00 PM ---This is what Facebook is good for too – we have a local Facebook walking group – and they take it in turns to make a picnic or nominate somewhere to go for cake afterwards.
My friends in Derby began a walking/cake eating group. It started with just two of them and now they have lots of members.

--- End quote ---
I belong to a London walking group called CLOG (Central London Walking Group). I have also been taking part in a local walking challenge set up by  our MP in January. I have been counting steps since then. I have already walked the equivalent of over 80 miles this month (combination of daily walking during the week and longer weekend walks). The longest was 13 miles. It is my favourite form of exercise.


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