Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Walking Therapy

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You talk to a therapist and you walk in rural locations. Getting out and about is good for the mind and body but doing it alone or even with your dogs takes more motivation than I can muster most days recently.
I found a hypnotherapist who does home visits and these walking sessions.
I'm meeting HRT tomorrow to do the introduction and evaluation and then we start the walking sessions. I'd love to do it every day but at £50 an hour it's more than I can afford to “hire a friend”
I'm wondering if there are local walking groups just to get me out of the house...
I've also got in touch with a more traditional therapist who does home visits as the whole “hypno” thing is not something I have much faith in.
She lives in my town too so .. time will tell.

Our Council has a 'walk for life' group guided by a leader, they meet outside the supermarket at the same time every week.  Maybe look at your Council web-site, ours has a volunteering area which may be a starting point.  Or your GP surgery or local Facebook?  Local running group may have a link to walkers or the local Ramblers Group always welcome newbies.

There's an online meet-up site,it covers all areas and you can even start one in your area xx

Save your money ER and buy yourself a fitbit charge you'll get much more benefit from that it nags you to death to get up and active and achieve those steps every single day and it becomes such a challenge to you that it motivates you to try your damdest to do it.i went from just over 300 steps a day after an accident to now anywhere between 6000 and 14000 each day.i used it for physio but now never go anywhere without encourages me so much to keep active and got me well when I thought nothing could ever help me.i also recommend you buy Dr Rangan Chatterjees book The 4 Pillar Plan. on Amazon on offer just now. itll change your whole thought process he's a breath of fresh air in today's fast buck society I wish I could bottle him.its a beautiful book and so easy to read and digest.all absolute common sense approaches to everyday health. have a look.DD😘

Walks for Health via the Council are free - Ramblers means that one is in safe company  ;)


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