Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

natural supplements that WORK - quickly if poss

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But they are not prescribed under the NHS, nothing to do with costs but probably ? lack of research?  and St John's Wort should not be taken with other medications for mental health issues.  Also, did they actually work for ladies?  They may have been prescribed but how much evidence is there that they worked ......... I would have taken Heroin had I thought it would have solved anxiety  :'( but am aware that it brings it's own problems.  >sigh<

Maybe keep a mood/food/symptom diary Jaymac to see what helps?  Then let us know  ;)

What's the NHS done to get your total trust, CLKD.  Yes it is wonderful but not infallible or always right.

I don't want to be harsh but If you don't have faith in alternatives, it's a bit naughty to post in the Alternatives section, and put people off.

It's a balanced view point. 

Also, I doubt if anything works 'quickly' ......... bodies don't usually get where they are suddenly so it takes a while for anything to be 'taken up' and benefits felt.

 :thankyou:   Let us know - useful for those who have undergone treatment for breast disease.


--- Quote from: Shadyglade on December 03, 2018, 04:12:12 PM ---What's the NHS done to get your total trust, CLKD.  Yes it is wonderful but not infallible or always right.

I don't want to be harsh but If you don't have faith in alternatives, it's a bit naughty to post in the Alternatives section, and put people off.

--- End quote ---

"naughty" Shadyglade ????? Medicine is not primarily about faith – it's about scientific evidence which underpins everything. Once there is research demonstrating efficacy over placebo and numerous trials – a product can be licensed and is on average worth trying (if costs etc do not constitute a barrier). Placebo in itself is powerful – but this is not a religious site –  the only "faith" we need to have is in ourselves and that the (tested) product/strategy/treatment we are going to try will also work for us.

As you know anyone can post wherever they like on this forum provided comments are polite and not unkind, or abusive or judgmental towards individuals, and it helps if the comments are relevant.

The OP asked for any alternative remedies that helped and a valid observation was given.

There have been published summaries about alternative treatments to HRT and the evidence for them – might be slightly out of date:

This one focuses more on prescribed alternatives to HRT spespecially for those who cannot take hRT for medical reasons and eg breast cancer survivors – but the anti-depressants (recommended in the paper) are not the first line of treatment and should only be considered if HRT is medically contra-indicated otherwise HRT is recommended.

This one looks at research into a whole range of alternatives including some complementary treatments and herbal alternatives:

Here is a brief summary on NHS website which initially focuses on important lifestyle aspects:

Here is a summary of clinical care recommendations from the North American Menopause Society:

There is information on this website too: (but I'm dubious about the reporting of some of these!)

As already said too - if you are that young and periods are few and far between HRT is needed ideally until at least the natural age of menopause - to protect heart and bones and general health - so do persevere with trying to find the right product - or even the CCP ( there are a couple suitable for menopause which contain more "natural" oestrogen.

I hope this helps – happy reading! As CLKD said, nothing is quick!

Hurdity x


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