Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

natural supplements that WORK - quickly if poss

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I moisturise my body twice a day with e45 and my face and neck with Estée Lauder,bit pricey but it's very luxurious and it does last as you don't need to use tonnes

I have found sage and black cohosh together to be very helpful (recommended by my GP) - as I take both together I couldn't tell you which is best.  Has helped with mood swings, hot flushes/sweats & anxiety.  Currently 2 weeks into v low dose of estrogen/progesterone and I miss the herbal treatments like crazy. 

There is nothing 'natural' about going through the menopause. Women weren't designed to carry on living for another 30 or 40 years after menopause. Mother Nature fully expected us to be dead long before we hit menopause. Don't forget it's less than 100 years that the average life expectancy of women and men was only about 50!

Modern medicine and better nutrition had extended our life span far beyond what nature intended. Expecting women to live without oestrogen after menopause is like castrating men at 50 and expecting them to live on for 35 years without any testosterone.


--- Quote from: GypsyRoseLee on March 25, 2019, 11:28:45 PM ---There is nothing 'natural' about going through the menopause. Women weren't designed to carry on living for another 30 or 40 years after menopause. Mother Nature fully expected us to be dead long before we hit menopause. Don't forget it's less than 100 years that the average life expectancy of women and men was only about 50!

Modern medicine and better nutrition had extended our life span far beyond what nature intended. Expecting women to live without oestrogen after menopause is like castrating men at 50 and expecting them to live on for 35 years without any testosterone.

--- End quote ---

The death rate average is very misleading.  It is skewed by the infant death rate, particularly in under fives. If you made it to adulthood the chance of reaching meno was reasonably high.

The choice not to take HRT is up to the individual, as is any medication.  No one should be critical of that.

I'm afraid that's incorrect. A very small percentage of women made it to 55+. Both consultant gynaecologists I have seen have told me women are just not biologically designed to run without oestrogen, in the same way that cars aren't designed to run without oil.


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