Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

natural supplements that WORK - quickly if poss

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Hello ladies,

Besins have a patent for Utrogestan, not for the progesterone molecule (which occurs naturally), only for the pharmaceutical composition and the method to obtain Utrogestan. Micronisation is a process used in many industries including food and it's not patented, at least not anymore.

Conolly X


--- Quote from: BlueButterfly on December 03, 2018, 03:12:58 PM ---My aunt and mother swear by Evening Primrose for their hot flushes. Obviously doesn't work for everyone.

I use a natural progesterone cream....absolutely got rid of my anxiety. I'm in the US so it's easy to get over the counter at a health food store or over amazon. However, a lot of people can't tolerate any kind of progesterone.

I know there are other natural supplements but haven't tried any yet. I think it is hard to say what 'works' and doesn't, as far as natural supplements go. I think they really depend on the person.

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I was using high doses of progesterone cream (later I got it prescribed as cyclogest which is a pessary) used it for many years helped me sleep and I was fine.
But now I'm adding oestrogen which is the one that causes anxiety insomnia and rage when it peaks... it's the excitary hormone,.. always saw it as the enemy.
Can't say I'm loving the feeling of oestrogen after a month nor the reduction of far so shitty but can't argue with my blood serum levels.
Was on 500mg progesterone transdermal now on 300mg

I took menopace menopause plus tablets for 2 years when my hot flushes first started, they stopped working for me about 5 weeks ago!

I used to take sage and thought it worked as sweats stopped but I now realise it was just a coincidence (for me at least) nothing has helped me much,just take a daily vitamin for 50+ women,a cranberry with probiotic capsule & vit b12

[qu.  As oestrogen levels drop the skin may become dry: inside and out! 4 me it was my insteps or behind my shoulders ........ a moisturiser may be required regularly.

Just had a light bulb moment! The skin on my heels has become awful - my feet used to be a good part of my body (trust it to be hidden away and the on-show bits are horrible bits  :() I think it maybe cos everything is drying up.

While back I asked if anyone had tried the Menopace Pro Tan vitamins and now after about 5 weeks I'm not sure. My nails were fab for about 3 weeks but now I see no difference tbh. Skin is good but apart from not being pretty, my skin has always been OK since I was about 30.

I wish I could find that magic supplement but still looking!

           Poppi x


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