Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

natural supplements that WORK - quickly if poss

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--- Quote from: Hurdity on December 04, 2018, 05:13:42 PM ---Bluebutterfly - you are taking progesterone though which is a component of HRT? if you are unable to take HRT then has your specialist said that this is OK?

Hurdity x

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I am using a natural progesterone cream I can buy over the counter. My doctor knows I'm using it, I told him when we last spoke and he asked about my anxiety being gone and what happened with that. He said if it works, then okay. My GYN does not know yet. He wants me on the pill and doesn't really want to do much else for me hormonally. I have a progestin only pill I am still not sure about taking as the cream is working for the worst of my symptoms and I worry what the pill will do to my moods. I can't go back to where I was, don't know if I could handle it.

As far as I know, the NHS can't prescribe non-drugs, they can recommend them but they only deal in drugs that have been patented.

The Utrogestan is one of the more natural drugs but they had to add a drug to it (shouldn't have any significant effect though) in order to patent it. Same with oestradiol, I think they add Valerate to it.

Drug companies can then afford to do proper trials but it has to be financially viable for them to invest in it.

My old GP who I sometimes see (too big a practice now) would often write herbs down on paper and give to me rather than prescribe drugs. Herbals and supps companies can't afford double blind placebo trials though so it's really down to trial and error.

NICE guidelines do sometimes recommend vitamins and herbs which can then be up to the doctor to recommend.

I am ultra sensitive even to some foods so know they can have enough effect so if you can find a diet that has what you need and cuts what is harming you then that must be the best way to go.

Very informative post dangermouse.

Thank you.  :thankyou:


--- Quote from: dangermouse on December 05, 2018, 05:51:27 PM ---

The Utrogestan is one of the more natural drugs but they had to add a drug to it (shouldn't have any significant effect though) in order to patent it. Same with oestradiol, I think they add Valerate to it.

--- End quote ---

I'm not sure what you mean by this - it's incorrect. Utrogestan is micronised progesterone (from the same source as in progesterone creams ie synthesised from plant based ingredients) and doesn't contain any "drug" as such or any other active ingredient but inert fillers as with all pharma products. Some estradiol is estradiol valerate but most is pure estradiol - in the form of estradiol hemihdrate - which is just two molecules of 17B estradiol held together by a water molecule which is inert and not a drug.

There are quite a number of double-blind placebo controlled trials for herbal supplements....

Hurdity x

I think it's the micronised part that was the Utrogestan addition so that it could be patented. Think it's to do with the delivery system and if that can be an active ingredient (chemical/oil?) that makes it a ‘drug' then it's something  worth manufacturing and investing money in.

I read an article which explained it all a few years back but just had a quick search and couldn't find it as too much pops up with key words. I think the internet is almost full!

That's great that herbal companies are doing proper trials with their herbs, I hadn't come across that. Hopefully they'll start being allowed to put on the packaging what they help with as they haven't been able to without the trials so far.


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